
Friday 1 August 2014

Am pierdut din nou pisica / We lost the cat again

Poate nu este evident, insa pisica noastra este parte integranta a acestui blog culinar. Actioneaza mai mult in background, insa e totusi un actor principal. Sa ma explic. In primul rind, nu rateaza nici o ocazie sa deguste din mincarurile mele (in ciuda tuturor eforturilor de a o impiedica, nu stiu cum face, dar cel putin in ultima vreme isi baga mustatile in TOT), asa ca, in gluma, am desemnat-o pe post de degustator sef ('E bun, pisi?' 'Miau miau miau, mai vreau' 'OK, pisi, atunci hai ca postam'). In al doilea rind: daca fac, sa zicem, zece poze la un fel de mincare, in cel putin cinci din ele apare si ea; abia scap de ea, in caz extrem o inchid intr-o camera. Cu alte cuvinte, pisi merita un post dedicat. Pisi goes Blogger!

Ce voiam sa povestesc de fapt: conform bunului obicei, acum citeva zile iar am 'pierdut' pisica. Mai precis, dupa ce am luat fetita de la gradinita si am ajuns acasa, pisi nu era de gasit. Rutinate, am inceput amindoua sa o cautam prin casa (masina de spalat vase, masina de spalat rufe, cosul de rufe, dulapurile cu haine, locurile ei preferate adica). 'Chiar a disparut, de data asta' constata fetita dupa vreo jumatate de ora. 'Stai, draga, linistita. Stii doar ca pisica NU pleaca de aici. Asa de mult s-a atasat de noi..' (cine a vazut 'Viata lui Pi' stie ca de fapt chestia cu atasamentul este o iluzie a speciei umane). 'E pe aici, pe UNDEVA.' Asa ca am renuntat la cautare si ne-am asezat la masa, sa mincam ceva. Moment in care s-a auzit o slaba fosnitura, mai mult ca o parere, insa a fost suficient ca UNDEVA sa-si reveleze localizarea in spatiu. Am inteles instantaneu amindoua: pisica era la doi pasi de noi, in dulapul plasat sub chiuveta. Deci o noua ascunzatoare. Am deschis dulapul si am descoperit mitza in cosul de.. gunoi, mai exact cel in care stringem sticlele si borcanele goale, ce urmeaza sa fie aruncate. 'Super, pisi, dar chiar asa, in gunoi?!' Statea atit de bine acolo, incit am lasat-o sa dormiteze in continuare.

(In paranteza fie spus, pisica isi facuse loc intre o sticla de ulei de floarea soarelui, presat la rece si bio, si un borcan de masline bio de la DM. Pura intimplare sau o dovada ca pisica este adepta a alimentatiei sanatoase, cu tendinte vegane? We'll never know..)


It may be not that obvious, but our cat is an important part of this cooking blog. Although she acts mostly in background, she is an important player. Let me explain. Firstly, the cat does not miss any opportunity to take a bite from any food I cook (despite all my efforts to stop her, I don't know how she does it, but she gets her whiskers into everything), so, I designated her as my chief taster ('Is it good, kitty?' 'Miaou miaou miaou, I'd like some more' 'OK then, let's post this recipe now). Secondly, if I take, let's say, ten pictures, the cat appears in five of them, at least. In conclusion, the cat deserves an own post. Kitty goes Blogger!

This is the story I wanted to tell: as usual, we 'lost' the cat again. Some days ago, after picking up my daughter from the kindergarten, we went home and started to look for the cat. We looked everywhere we knew the cat loves to hide (washing machine, dishwasher, wardrobe..). 'She DID disappear this time' said my daughter, after a while. 'Just keep calm, dear, you know she NEVER leaves us. She is sooo attached to us.' (if you saw 'Life of PI', you know that the story with the attachment is just an illusion of humans..) 'She is here, SOMEWHERE'. So, we gave up the searching and took place at the table in the kitchen, to eat something. At that moment, we heard a rustle, a faint noise, and it was enough to figure out the location in space of SOMEWHERE: it was the garbage bucket, where we keep empty bottles and jars, the ones to be recycled. 'There you are, kitty. Well, the garbage bucket this time??!' She was sitting so comfortably, that it was a pity to disturb her. We let her continue her sleep.

(In parenthesis being said, it happened that the cat had found her place in the bucket between an (empty) bottle of bio cold pressed sunflower seed oil and a jar of bio olives from DM. Is it just a coincidence or is it a proof that the cat is a sympathizer of healthy food, with a tendency for veganism? We'll never know..)

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